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September 2024 – A new chapter for NEoN Digital

Over the last few years, NEoN has undergone a few transitions, from a yearly festival, running over the month of November, to a digital arts organisation that does year-long programming. Now in our 15th year, we take on another massive transition. Donna Holford-Lovell, founder and Director of NEoN, has moved on. As much as we will miss her, we wish her all the best and look forward to collaborating on future projects. There are also plans to celebrate Donna’s legacy and 15 years of NEoN later this year.

What does this mean for NEoN? In the short term, everything carries on as is, the programming we are committed to will be delivered. NEoN will continue working with schools, community groups and our partners. Our Digital Detox programme will continue, allowing us to provide more training in Digital Advocacy, Digital Safety, Digital Accessibility and the Climate Impact of Technology.

Shrink paper “phish”, made by Primary 5/6 students of Rosebank Primary school

Image: Gone Phishing – a series of workshops highlighting spam messages and emails, using shrinky dinks fish.

In other news, we have recently moved into our new workshop and office space within Cake or Dice on Commercial Street in Dundee, and with our new neighbours and Dundee Makerspace we are building a creative hub. Our first event together will be on Saturday 19th October – International Day of Repair, where NEoN, Dundee Makerspace and Cake or Dice will collaborate to run a repair cafe.

Longer term, we are planning to programme exhibitions in our gallery window, working with artists and charities throughout Dundee and Scotland. We aim to be involved in local and national festivals and events, both in partnerships and as ourselves. Conversations are already happening with artists and collectives, and we have exciting things planned for the future.

“Pixelated crest”, an image of a crest created from small paper cubes

Image: Pixel Image – a Pixel workshop at a career fair, using pixels to recreate the schools logo

Despite the changing funding climate in Scotland, and the current economic environment, NEoN is well-placed to grow, evolve, and change with the times. We will continue to stand up for our guiding beliefs of supporting the digital arts, and promoting accessibility and sustainability.

Stick around, and let’s see what we can accomplish. Feel free to contact us for a chat – we would love to tell you more!

Sabrina and Cavan, Creative Producers, NEoN Digital Arts