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NEoN Debate – Digital Dundee

Venue: Dundee City Square, City Council conference room

Date: 31st August 2010

Time: 6pm – 8pm

Dundee is the first city in Scotland to lose its analogue television signal and go all digital. Dundee is also to become Scotland’s first Fibrecity®.

Dundee is a modern, forward looking city and has to consider ‘Digital Dundee’ as a whole. It needs to identify ways it can harness e-technology to improve leisure, business processes and increase their competitive advantage.

At this debate we will be asking the questions: Does Dundee need a digital strategy? Should it continue to develop organically? What would a world-class broadband wireless technical infrastructure do for the city?

Along with industry specialists and key professionals from the city we will discuss what the advantages and/or disadvantages are for ‘going digital’. Panel includes

Paul Carroll, Performance & Improvement Manager, Dundee City Council
Gameelah Ghafoor, Global Project Manager for Comms, Security & CRM FSE, NCR
Clive Gilman, Director, Dundee Contemporary Arts
Colin Anderson, Managing Director, Denki

Doug Tonner, Client Director –  BT Scotland

Have your say !

*refreshments will be provided