NEoN are very excited to be bringing Pippin Barr a games producer, blogger and author to this years festival. Pippin is based in Malta so he will probably find it a bit chilly while he is here.
Pippin has been creating games since 2011, in this short time he has made 15 games… including such family favourites as Lets Play: Ancient Greek Punishment and Hot Coffee. Not to forget Ludvig Von Beatdown and You Say Jump I say How High. All Pippins games are built in Flash and require keys to play.
The actual Pippin Barr
Pippin has also written a book recently called ‘How to Play a Videogame’, the book gives an insight into what makes videogames so fascinating and entertaining to people who play them – and helps people who don’t understand what they are missing. Here’s a little sample.
Pippin represents good value for money for NEoN as he comes complete with Dr Pippin Barr for no extra cost. Dr Barr is a Ph.D and Msc graduate from from Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand; and has previously supervised students at the Center for Computer Games Research at IT University of Copenhagen.
We admit he doesn’t sound as fun as Pippin but we are prepared to take that risk.
Pippin and Dr Barr will be on hand during the NEoN Drop in and Play event at the DCA from 4pm – 6pm on Sunday 4th November
One or other will be talking at Pecha Kucha Night on Tuesday 6th November at Chamber East, which is sold out… sorry.