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Daring Curating forum for Fak’ugesi Festival

The Fak’ugesi African Digital Innovation Festival is an electrifying ten day program, from the 6th to 16th of September, celebrating innovative collaboration and digital practices. The Festival, as well as the name Fak’ugesi, represents urban youth culture, innovation and creativity in technology for Africans. This annual festival was first launched in 2014, aiming to bring together diverse digital and technological sectors and creating a publicly engaging event that brings innovation to the masses in a fun and accessible way. See here for more info.

As part of the programme NEoN are helping deliver Daring Curating: International Forum for Art and Technology in Africa, from the 11th to the 13th of September. This forum brings together all levels of practitioners, from artists to producers, to discuss issues around curating Art and Technology in Africa. The aim is to provide a batter understanding of the challenges regarding curating media arts in the region. The forum will consist of presentations, keynote talks and information exchanges among artists and curators working in the field of media and technology arts.

This is a partnership with University of Dundee, NEoN Digital Arts, CRUMB, Wits School of Arts, The Trinity Session, ISEA 2018,



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Trinity Session →